Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...6789101112...14NextLakeside Technology ServicesProfilewww.lakesidetechnology.net398 Mill Creek Rd.Higden, AR 72067501-550-4107EmailLakeside Technology Services serves both commercial and residential clients. They specialize in IT, audiovisual, and low-voltage cabling. Contact them today to find out more about their services! Computer Repair/SoftwareLakeview Alarms, Inc.Profilewww.lakeviewalarms.com1001 Hwy 25B NorthHeber Springs, AR 72543501-362-7905Fax: 501-362-7999EmailWhen Reliability Counts... You can count on Us! Protect your home and business with Security Systems, Fire Protection, CCTV, and Personal Emergency Systems. Keep you and your family safe at all times by choosing Lakeview Alarms, Inc. for your alarm system. Contact us today to get started on setting up your new alarms. 2018 February Member Spotlight Alarms & SecurityLakeview FurnitureProfileP.O. Box 21Heber Springs, AR 72543870-384-2331EmailFurnitureLakeview Outdoor SalesProfileLakeviewoutdoorsales.comP.O. Box 5541087 Heber Springs Rd. SouthHeber Springs, AR 72543501-306-2492EmailLeeCo Services LLCProfile1939 Hiram RdHeber Springs, AR 72543501-691-3933EmailBuilding ContractorsLogan Cabinet, Inc.Profile2360 Heber Springs Rd. NorthTumbling Shoals, AR 72581501-362-6545Fax: 501-362-0184EmailCustom - Cabinets/FurnitureLos Locos Resturant of HeberProfileFacebook2121 Hwy 25BHeber Springs, AR 72543501-365-3326EmailRestaurants/Coffee Houses/Healthy AlternativeMargie's Haven House, Inc.Profilehttps://www.margieshavenhouse.comP.O. Box 954Heber Springs, AR 72543501-362-6757Fax: 501-362-7370EmailThe mission of Margie’s Haven House is “to provide shelter and services for all victims and their children of domestic violence/abuse, human trafficking, sexual assault, stalking, and harassment.” We are the only domestic violence/abuse shelter in Cleburne County, Arkansas. Since 1989, Margie's has been serving victims and their children. Our shelter is designed just like a home and we require everything that a typical household would need, just at a greater capacity. It takes many resources to stay open and fully functional 24/7. All services provided to victims and their children are free of charge. We mourn those who have lost their lives due to domestic violence. We can touch the lives of victims in a VERY impactful meaningful way. We are passionate about helping victims set life goals and give them resources to achieve their goals. Every VICTIM we serve strengthens their skills and strategies to support the ongoing safety of themselves and their children. Every VICTIM we serve has a story to share & we want to listen. Every second, minute, hour, day, & dollar given towards our mission is an investment in the future of a family. Non-profit organizationsDave & Connie MasterProfile900 Trailwood DriveHeber Springs, AR 72543501-250-5032Associate MemberMays Mission For The HandicappedProfilewww.maysmission.org604 Colonial DriveHeber Springs, AR 72543501-362-7526Fax: 501-362-7529EmailNon-profit organizationsMcDonald's RestaurantProfile1611 Hwy 25B NP.O. Box 1505Heber Springs, AR 72543501-362-3275Fax: 501-362-8007Email2023 Stars and Stripes Sponsor, Freedom Fest on the Lake 2022 Presenting Sponsor, Fireworks Extravaganza 2021 Presenting Sponsor, Fireworks Extravaganza 2018 Business Expo, Supporting Sponsor 2017 Arkansas Scholar's Banquet Premier Sponsor2017 Springfest Premier Sponsor2017 Business Expo, Supporting Sponsor Restaurants/Coffee Houses/Healthy AlternativeMcKenzie Realty GroupProfilewww.mckenzierealtygroup.com400 W. Main StreetHeber Springs, AR 72543501-362-7500Fax: 501-362-7502EmailReal Estate AgentsMDM InvestmentsProfileP. O. Box 814Heber Springs, AR 72543501-365-3599EmailWe own, maintain, and manage nice, family suitable rental properties in beautiful Heber Springs.Mayville Engineering CompanyProfilewww.mecinc.com944 Bypass RoadHeber Springs, AR 72543501-362-1919Fax: 501-362-2214Email2020 Fireworks Extravaganza Corporate Sponsor 2019 Outstanding Business of the Year Midsouth Bronco Stampede Heber SpringsProfilefacebook Midsouth Bronco Stampede Heber Springs229 Lacy Rd.Ida, AR 72546501-940-1146EmailNon-profit organizationsMorgan's at the Little Red, LLCProfile Wildflower RdHeber Springs, AR 72543501-900-4841Fax: 501-679-4163Email Morgan’s at the Little Red is a sprawling property located along the Little Red River in Heber Springs, Arkansas. Our cabins combine the comforts of a luxury resort with the serenity of being nestled among the trees. The cabins are equipped with everything you need to feel at home, including a fully stocked kitchen, high quality linens, smart TVs in every room, and Wi-Fi throughout.The property features a private dock and boat launch for easy access to the river. Golf carts are available for guests who want an easy way to get from the cabins to the dock or just explore the property. This is the perfect location for a relaxing weekend getaway and can also accommodate larger group events like family reunions or weddings.Morgan’s at the Little Red also offers a brand new, state-of-the-art conference center that comfortably seats up to 35 people. The conference center is equipped with a audio visual equipment to make presentations and virtual guest appearances a breeze. We also offer on-site catering and activity planning, making this the ideal location to host your next corporate retreat. Contact us today to start planning! Tristan Cameron, Business Development ( Vacation& Property Managers, Lodging: Cabins/Homes-Near GF Lake & Little Red RiverMorrow Fire & Safety LLCProfileP.O. Box 119Heber Springs, AR 72543501-362-2740EmailFire Extingisher Sales and ServiceMyers-Davis Life CoachingProfilewww.myersdavis.com1141 E. Main St. Suite 102Batesville, AR 72501870-569-1052EmailNon-profit organizationsNearly New ConsignmentProfile308 South 7th StreetHeber Springs, AR 72543501-362-5277Shopping/Retail/SpecialtyNew Life ChurchProfile Bypass Rd.Heber Springs, AR 72543501-362-3300Fax: 501-328-5438EmailNon-profit organizationsNew SearchPrev1...6789101112...14NextMember Directory | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Job Listing | Member Promotions | News | Request for Information Sponsors